Digitalization is a full part of a growth strategy, especially in the private banking industry.

SpeciEban+ includes a wide range of functionalities to provide full and convenient access to finances. Fast and secure, our ebanking solution aims to improve the user experience and enhance the way your customers manage their finances. With their mobile, tablet or laptop, customers have access to their accounts and portfolios anywhere, any time.



  • Elegant, clear and modern design
  • Access to several functionalities in an intuitive way with several level of details
  • Fully customizable with your own logo and visual identity
  • Fully parametrizable
  • Multi devices access for clients and wealth managers
  • User friendly with responsive design


  • View balance and assets statements
  • View projected cash flow in a timeline display with ability to view detailed cash flow transactions
  • View portfolio analysis by currency and asset allocation
  • Ability to consolidate multiple portfolios
  • Transfer funds between accounts
  • Secure messaging between the customer and the wealth manager
  • Statement and IBAN generation
  • Snapshot-based
  • Relationship manager view
  • Internal messaging
  • User customizable cockpit (widgets)

Start Your Project with Us

Whatever is your goal or project size, we will help you. Your satisfaction is our priority.

One of the best ways to learn about a company is not what it says about itself, but what its clients say about it. And it's no different at SpeciTec, the long-term relationships we build with our clients mean everything to us.

Franck Oliger

CEO of SpeciTec

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